I’m big on transformation. I’m always growing and changing. It’s pretty easy for me to commit to a new version of my life if, after careful consideration, it seems like the right thing to do.
I’ll leave a job, start a new business, launch into a new and scary creative project, or overhaul relationships that aren’t supporting me if it’s what’s needed to be done. It’s not always easy, but it’s a challenge and discomfort that I’m incredibly comfortable with.
In fact, I’m so comfortable with transformation, it’s actually something I’ve come to enjoy, even in the uncertainty.
As a result, I LOVE working with transformation in others and helping to support that process. Today, we’re going to get into how how tarot can help any type of life transformation you may be trying to create.
You can use this post to read for yourself or as ideas for questions to ask a reader.
Just as a note, I’m using the word “transformation” in this post, but this can also apply to any more specific transformation you may be trying to create, such as career, finances, relationship, self-development, or even life as a whole.
Here are 7 ways tarot can help you transform your life!
Get clear on your vision and purpose
Sometimes, you know an area of your life (or your life as a whole) is in need of a real transformation. But you may not always have enough clarity on your vision or purpose to act.
A tarot reading can help you explore what truly isn’t working for you now, what your true purpose is, and how you can transform your life to live more in accordance with your purpose.
It can also help you better understand how this transformation will impact yourself and others.
Digging into these topics can help you find a path forward for yourself that you can actually be excited about.
It can also make the idea of transforming your life feel a lot less overwhelming, and it can help you get clear on the heart and soul of this transformation so you can move forward in a way that really aligns with you.
Some questions you might ask include:
- What path forward is most aligned with me?
- What parts of my life are not serving me?
- How can I transform my life to be more fulfilling and aligned with my soul?
- How will this transformation impact me? How will it impact others?
Find the courage and place to start
Perhaps you know exactly what type of transformation you’d like to make, but you’re struggling with getting started. Tarot can also help with this!
Maybe you’re struggling to find the courage to make such life altering changes. Or maybe you’re overwhelmed by the scale of it and struggling with where exactly you should begin.
Tarot is a wonderful way to get in touch with your subconscious. It can help you wade through your doubts, fears, and insecurities so you can address them directly. It can also help you find the best first step to take so you can get this transformation off the ground.
Some questions you might ask include:
- What’s holding me back from starting this transformation?
- How can I support myself through this transformation?
- Where would be the best place for me to begin my transformation?
Find the best past forward for yourself
Most of us have been raised in environments and societies that really latch onto thought, logic, and practicality. Don’t get me wrong, those elements have their place. But sometimes, what’s best for us may not be the most logical or practical thing.
This is where tarot comes in. We are all unique individuals and what’s best for one person isn’t always best for another.
A tarot reading can help you check in with yourself and uncover the best path forward for you.
With that said, transformation is never an easy path. But in my experience, the path the cards lay out will likely be the path of least resistance.
Some questions you might ask include:
- What’s the best path forward for me on my transformation journey?
- What’s the best next step for me to take on this transformation journey?
- What’s the best way for me to transform my life?
- What do I need to know to transform my life?
Overcome obstacles and challenges
No matter what journey you’re on, there are going to be obstacles and challenges. That’s how growth happens.
These challenges could be anything, but some examples might be: finding yourself in an uncomfortable situation, push-back from people in your life, or a surprising turn of events you need to navigate.
A tarot reading can help when you find yourself confused, uncertain, or dealing with a difficulty as you work to transform your life.
A reading can give you clarity and perspective to help you navigate the situation with understanding and confidence.
Some questions you might ask include:
- How can I best overcome this challenge?
- What do I need to learn about this challenge?
- What do I need to know to overcome this obstacle?
Overcome blocks and limiting beliefs
Internal struggles are just as likely as external ones. Luckily, this is where a tarot reading can really have your back.
One of the gifts of tarot is that it can offer insights into the subconscious and the unseen energies around us. This can help expose blocks and limiting beliefs that we may not be fully aware of.
So if you’re finding that you’re meeting lots of resistance or you’re struggling to make a meaningful transformation, a reading can help shed light on what’s going on within you that might be holding you back.
Alternatively, you may be aware of a block or limiting belief that’s hindering you’re progress, but you’re unsure about how to get around it. A tarot reading can give you the insights you need to get past this block and move forward.
Some questions you might ask include:
- What’s blocking me from transforming my life?
- How can I get past this limiting belief?
- What can I doe to overcome my blocks and move my transformation forward?
Gain clarity on your direction and decisions
It’s one thing to have a clear idea what you want your life to look like. It’s another thing to know how you’re going to get there. Luckily, tarot can help you chart a course from where you’re at to where you want to be.
Like we mentioned in the previous point, tarot can give insights into the unseen energies around you. This can give you more clarity on how you can get to where you want to go in a decisive and empowered way.
Honestly, I would recommend a reading on this topic even if you think you know what to do for this reason alone. There are a lot of energies at play that you can’t possibly know.
A tarot reading can confirm for you if you’re heading in the right direction or redirect your if there’s more at play than you realize.
Additionally, transformation is a living, organic process. You may start with one idea about where you’re headed, but you might find you have many more options and choices to make once you start to expand.
A tarot reading can help you see these options in their truest light, which can help you make the best and most informed decisions that best align with who you’re becoming.
Some questions you might ask include:
- How can I become who I want to be?
- What’s the best direction for me to move in to transform my life?
- What do I need to know about the options/directions available to me?
Find faith and confidence when you’re lost or doubting
The transformation process can sometimes feel like a long or lonely journey.
This is especially true when you’ve reached the middling stages where it feels too late to turn back, but the desired outcome still feels so far away.
Tarot can be an incredible tool to help you navigate these middle stages. The messages that come through can help you support yourself through this process. They can also help you reconnect with your faith and understand how supported you are.
Transformation isn’t easy. It’s why a good number of people never try. But I’ve never met someone who committed to their growth and transformation and regretted it once they’ve made it through.
Tarot can help you stay committed and make it to the other side.
Some questions you might ask include:
- How can I support myself during this difficult time in my transformation?
- What do I need to know about this challenging time in my transformation?
- How can I navigate this challenging stage of my transformation?
Want to see how a tarot reading can help you transform your life?
If you’ve reached this point in the post and are wondering how a tarot reading can help you transform your life, you’re in luck!
Foreshadow Intuitive Tarot offers a How to Transform Your Life Reading, designed to give you the guidance and empowerment you need to confidently take charge and transform your life!
It’s designed around the question of “How can I transform my life?” but it can be customized or modified to meet your unique needs and journey.
For more on my tarot philosophy, you can can check out the About page.
If you’d like to know even more about me, my own transformation, and the role tarot played in my journey, you can read my story here.
How are you working to transform your life? What are some things you’ve struggled with? Tell me about it in the comments!